Saturday, January 13, 2007

Landing Page Basics

Over on Wagglepop, unique landing pages has been a topic of conversation in recent weeks. Some of us feel daunted by the thought of creating a custom landing page. But you don't need to be a whiz at HTML or graphic design to create a customer-pleasing landing page.

Here are some tips from to help you create your own unique landing page.

1.Put your business name on your landing page, as well as a logo if you have one. Keep it simple!
2.Don't overload your page with graphics and animations. Use graphics consistently from page to page to help build your identity.
3.Use sales hooks like discounts, contests and special promotions. Keep it short. Forcing customers to scroll through pages of information isn't effective.
4.Use visual communication to get your message across. This includes the text you choose, the colors you use and the graphics (or lack thereof) you include. Try to tailor the visual appearance to your targeted buyer group.

You can read the article in it's entirety here:
The whole website is a great source of information, so be sure to bookmark it!

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